Send your $5 footlong to Tyler's Venmo: @Tyler-McHugh-1
Add $1 if your wifey wants to bet on the Troll Toll.

PentaKillions: We play Weibo comp (Auroria, MaoKai, Ezreal, Rakan, Jax) do we get more kills than Weibo?

PentaKillions: We play Gen.G comp (Ashe, Nidalee, Nautilus, Kassadin, Jax), do we get more kills than Gen G?

PentaKillions: We play T1 comp (Rumble, Xayah, Ahri, Xinzhao, Rakan) do we get more kills than T1?

PentaKillions: We play Bilili comp (Ahri, Rumblr, Vi, Rell, MF) do we get more kills than Bilibli?

TrollToll: How many tournament matches will we win?

If we do enter the tournament, how many matches do we win?